Lake Barkley & Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky

A part of Land between the lakes

Golden Pond Planetarium and Observatory

Parents Love That It’s Educational. Kids Just Think It’s Cool.

How to Find

Golden Pond Planetarium and Observatory

Off I-24 (Exit 65)
16 mi

(270) 924-2233

Visitors Center Dr, Cadiz KY 42211

Why You’ll Love Golden Pond Planetarium and Observatory

There’s the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, and … um… and…

Most of us know only three constellations:

The Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, and Orion.

But have you ever wondered about the other stars? About the planets moving through space? About what you can see in the night sky above you?

Entrance to Golden Pond Planetarium and Observatory

Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, only a few minutes from Cadiz, is a designated dark zone, which means there’s little to no manmade light to brighten the night, making for spectacular star viewing. Thanks to the Golden Pond Planetarium and Observatory, you can count the stars and learn a little about them any time of day.

Lose Yourself In The Show

Watching Deep Into a 40-foot Dome

Located inside the Golden Pond Visitors Center, the Planetarium is equipped with a Konica Minolta Mediaglobe II digital projection system. It shines patterns of the stars and planets onto a 40-foot dome overhead, giving you an idea of what planets and constellations are viewable in the night sky.

Volunteer interpreters host each presentation and answer audience questions while telling more about the stars, planets, and stories of the sky.


img of Helix Nebula

There’s the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, and … um… and…

Do you wish to get away from the crazy city life?

Or, as a fishing & kayaking lover, do you wish to make the most of the fishing season?

Being one of the biggest man-made lakes in the US spread around 58,000 acres, lake Barkley offers great fishing, boating, and kayaking opportunities. Families and fishermen from the nearby cities like Hopkinsville & Murray to the farthest Knoxville in Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, and Chicago visit the beautiful and surreal lake Barkley to discover Kentucky’s authentic beauty.

Lake Barkley and the Land Between the Lakes are the places that never disappoint anyone looking for a rejuvenating experience.

Comfortable and friendly stay at the Fish Island Resort

Making your stay at the Lake Barkley a happy and comfortable one is the Fish Island Resort in Trigg County’s Blue Springs region. Located a few minutes away from Boots Randolph Golf Course, Fish Island Resort offers many recreational activities that rejuvenate you after working long hours or running on the day-to-day hamster wheel.

You can meet the locals and get to experience the place from their perspective.
Two of those locals include the couple who owns and operates Fish Island—who are fishing and kayaking lovers themselves. If you’re there while they are, they’ll walk you around or tell some of the tales behind the vintage lures in the Bait and Tackle shop’s show wall.

Both Projection Shows and Laser Lights

Both Projection Shows and Laser Lights

In addition to the “Skies Above” show, programming includes a rotating selection of shows about the planets, space weather, the Moon, meteors, and more.

From Memorial Day through the year’s end, a laser light show livens up the evenings.

See All the Stars, Live and In Person

If you’d rather see the stars live and in person, the West Kentucky Amateur Astronomers sets up telescopes and uses the computerized 16-inch Meade telescope for weekend Star Parties throughout summer.

Check out the schedule of events to find out when the Observatory will be open and when the next Star Party will be held.

Dad lifts son up to see through star telescope

Let Your Friends Know About
Golden Pond Planetarium and Observatory

Who's The Planetarium and Observatory for?

So for…

  • Visitors looking to relax indoors, yet still learn some really cool things in a cool way
  • Moms and Dads looking to take the kids to an affordable near-IMAX experience
  • Music fans that want to be immersed and mesmerized by adding a “laser” dimension to the aural experience

Get to the Golden Pond Planetarium and Observatory at Land Between the Lakes.

Gallery of Planetarium and Observatory at Golden Pond, Land Between the Lakes